#LALTCHAT – Archive – 22/03/18

Date: 15/02/2018
Time: 7PM- 8PM
Academic: Stephen Fisher – Learning Adviser – Digital media & Design   – Staff Profile


Q1. How important is space regarding teaching and learning and can a virtual classroom compete?

Q2. How do we all as educators engage more with students and get past the tech bubble of fear?

Q3. What role will technology, as a tool, have in the future of education as Moores law* ever rapidly increases * Moore’s law is the idea that every 18 months technology has completed changed and developed.

Every Thursday between 7pm – 8pm – We have an educational Twitter chat which focuses on a question posed by an academic. This week’s Twitter chat was hosted by Stephen Fisher

The conversation was aimed at the idea of assumptions and if all students should automatically be assumed to be digitally capable? Do students have an agreed level of competency when they arrive at university?  We also discussed if digital tools have a place in assessment.

To see a full list of the chat click here