#LALTCHAT – Archive – 08/02/17

Date: 01/02/2018
Time: 7PM- 8PM
Academic: Dr Deborah Lock – Deputy Head of College/ Colege Director of Education – Lincoln International Business Schools  – Staff Profile

Questions: Pedagogic Futurology – What do 21st Century Assessments Look Like – What do we need to do differently?

Every Thursday bewteen 7pm – 8pm – We have an educational twitter chat which focuses on a question posed by an academic. This weeks twitter chat was hosted by Dr. Deborah Lock from the Lincoln International Business School (LIBS).

The conversation was aimed around supporting a wide range of learning abilities and what support is needed to help prepare students for their university course and future career. Some of the key points that were mentioned can be seen below:

  • Should we move to more of a practical work place experience with mentors and less written assessments?
  • Should we give students the options to choose their assessment points to match their own interest?
  • Could we use experts to help support the outcomes that are required (i.e. through workplacements)
  • Should our assessments be more student central focusing on their individual needs and support requirements?

To see a full archived version of the #LALTCHAT please click here