LALTCON18 | Fostering Student Independent Research

The LALT Conference (LALTCON18) was open to all staff and students on Wednesday 14th November 2018. The day hosted a range of activities aiming to showcase research on teaching practices and methods of supporting students with independent learning. Staff and student contributors from across the University of Lincoln community delivered presentations.

Title: Fostering Student Independent Research

Presenter: Dr Cassandre Balosso-Bardin


A joint presentation between Cassandre Balosso-Bardin and a current second year student, Joshua Holder-Browne, whose first-year project to engage with his musical heritage led him to prepare a one hour lecture that he delivered to his peers. This not only allowed him to engage with his course in his own time, it also showcased to other students what is possible at their level and that preparing material for lectures is not only the domain of lecturers.