Case Study – LIBS Simulation Marathon: engaging business simulations for new teaching practices

The Lincoln International Business School (LIBS) Simulation Marathon project, launched in May 2024, was designed to enhance teaching and learning in the Lincoln International Business School (LIBS) and...

Photographs of people working together on laptops - photography by Marvin Meyer

Case Study – sMASH IT! (Seeking Math and Stats Help)

The sMASH IT! project is a peer-support project for the Data Analytics module at Lincoln International Business School and was facilitated through the College of Arts, Social Sciences...

Peer Support Group Team members for sMASH IT!

Case Study – Digital storytelling with analogy-based cartoons as a teaching tool to enhance student learning in Economics: Dealing with Hard Topics

‘Textbooks state theory whereas cartoons explain the theory through a story. The story is more likely to stick in students’ heads whereas memorizing the theory from textbooks might...

Image from comic book strip worked on by Erkan.

Case Study – Hidden Histories (decolonizing the curriculum)

The Hidden Histories project, facilitated through the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Teaching & Learning Innovation Fund 2023/24, aimed to explore the ways in which decolonising...

Image showing a display of documents at the Hidden Histories event showcasing different historial locales.

Case Study – Subject revision card games to promote student learning and engagement

This project responded to student feedback to increase teaching that ‘engages and is intellectually stimulating’, ‘develops knowledge for the future’ and ‘improves study skills’. An additional observation made...

Image showing cards from the revision card game.

Case Study – Conversations Helping Advance Teaching (CHAT)

CHAT (Conversations Helping Advance Teaching) trialled an innovative approach to peer review of teaching practice. It was designed to answer the question ‘Could peer review of teaching practice...

Case Study – Family Mediation Co-Curricular Course

This project was established as an inter-school initiative to demonstrate and promote the talents of both Law and Drama students. It sought to give both student groups valuable...

A photo showing a couple holding the hands of their child and looking at the sunset. their faces cannot be seen as their backs are to the camera.

Case Study – Student Engagement with Theory Modules – Enhancing learning engagement beyond the classroom through Padlet

In the past few years, students’ level of engagement with theory modules has been waning. The reasons for this could be attributed to a number of factors including...

Photo showing a hanging Origami Crane paper ornament.

Case Study – Studiosity – Improving MA Academic Writing

Studiosity is a paid for, free at point of use service, offered to PGT students at the University of Lincoln. Its Writing Feedback service offers ethical academic writing...

Graphic from Studiosity website showing student and various graphics representing the layout of their online system.

Case Study – Gamification of the immune system

Within the School of Life and Environmental Sciences second year module BGY2002 Immunology, students had previously done well learning the individual identities and functions of the immune system...

lung cells