UROS projects:2020

Synthesis of 5α-andrstan-3,16-dione and its biocatalysis by the fungus Mucor circinelloides

By Przemyslaw Jerzy Stepien // In my first year, I wanted to take part in UROS but I had no research knowledge and no supervisor to speak of,...

Machine Image

A Cranial Shape Variation In Canis: A Comparison Between Wild Canids And Domesticated Breeds

By Charlotte Page //  Dogs are one of the most diverse species on the planet, a feature that is largely due to domestication and human intervention with breeding....

Using an equation for changing the angle between planes to find and evaluate planetary rings

By Jake Browning // The project started when I managed to manipulate an equation so I could change the angles between planes just by inputting the function desired...

Mental Toughness, Sport-Related Wellbeing and Mental Health Stigma among National Collegiate Athletic Association Division â…  Student-Athletesa

By Eadie Simons // Mental toughness (MT) is a desirable psychological attribute that can help athletes produce consistently high levels of performance and sustain goal-directed behaviour, despite everyday...

Mathematical Modelling of Polymer Capsules in Solution

By Henry Macpherson // The aim of the project was to explore the effect of including interdigitation in an existing model for the size selection of vesicles. Vesicles...

Fantastical Bodies and How To Wear Them

By Kai Speed //  For this project, I worked in collaboration with my supervisors Dr Steve Klee and Dr Kirsten McKenzie, as well as co-researcher Heather Sunderland to...

Diversity By Design

By Charlie Wootton, Joshua Haynes, Lauren Glass & Wiktoria Rabij //    The human form is an invaluable tool within architecture, providing a tangible reference for the scale, atmosphere, and...

Detection of proliferation indices from microscopic image for tumour progression analysis

By Qing Xu //  Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of severe brain tumours. It is characterized by high mortality and median survival time of patients is one year....

Development of a Simple Planetary Transit Simulator for Exo-Planet J1407b

By Brayden Albery //   The aim of the project was to develop a program prototype that can simulate the orbit of a planet with a ring system passing...

Understanding transitional challenges and their impact on student attainment and mental health: Does ethnicity make a difference?

By Ciera McKenzie & Isabella Chu Starting university can be a tremendous life and academic change which can seem daunting. Our research topic focuses on “Understanding transitional challenges...