In recognition of an attempt to improve the ‘student voice’ and act as a conduit between Course Representatives and the student body, the Law School submitted a successful bid to the College Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund in order to produce a School newsletter.
Published in March 2018, the newsletter was co-edited by a member of staff and the School Representative. It included an opening message from the Head of School, details of Course and School Reps, a review of the year by the President of the Student Law Society and an alumni profile. It also included a ‘light hearted’ staff interview and a review of a piece of research undertaken by a member of staff.
Students thought the newsletter was ‘fantastic’ and with copies distributed around the School reception area, visitors were also able to gain an insight into the work carried out by staff and students within the School.
Whilst digital format is an easy method of distribution, we are constantly bombarded with different digital messages and news stories to the point where content can get lost, or overlooked. As a result, it was decided that a return to the ‘old school’ approach should be adopted and the newsletter was produced in a glossy hard copy format. This also allowed a copy of the newsletter to be included in the ‘welcome packs’ of the 2018-19 student cohort.
It is intended to continue with the project, publishing one edition each term, following the Subject Committee meetings. Each edition will follow a similar format, but will primarily be utilised to promote the work of the Course Reps and to share ‘good news’ stories from around the School.
It is hoped that the continuation of the project will help to improve the student voice, enhance collaboration between staff and students and to promote a sense of belonging within the School.