Case Studies - Student Academic Experience

Case Study – Talis Elevate

Since 2018, the School of History and Heritage has been collaborating with the University Library and Talis (an education / library technology developer) to utilise and develop a...

Case Study – Nursing Students in Higher Education: Implications for Sleep and Learning

Sleep problems within student groups are a growing issue, with poor sleep potentially becoming a greater issue for nursing students working rotating shifts. This project investigated the student...

Case Study – Establishing a unique partnership between MA History and MACE

Archives are crucial to the practice and experience of history students, particularly at post-graduate level, however, many students remain intimidated by using archives or engage with them on...

Image showing a reel of film.

Case Study – Diverse teaching modes for Scenography and Design students

In January 2019, Siobhan O’ Gorman (BA Drama/Theatre) led the first iteration of a new level two, semester B module, Scenography and Design. The challenge was to achieve...

Case Study – The Lincoln Review

Creative Writing students at the University of Lincoln work hard every day to develop their craft as writers and critical readers. One of the challenges for any Creative...

Image of a school building

Case Study – Designing environments utilising Virtual Reality

Rosie Elvin, senior lecturer in the School of Design, collaborated with Dr Mohammad Qabshoqa, senior lecture in the School of Architecture & the Built Environment, on a studio-based...

Case Study – Problem Based Learning; an innovative ambition to address the ‘theory practice gap’ in Nurse Education

This project aimed to improve student experience and teaching within a clinical skills module, bridging the ‘theory practice gap’ to aid transition for future graduate level nurses. Applying...

Case Study – Using Liberating Structures to organise a public-facing music festival

Level three music students were required to organise a two-day public-facing music festival at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre in just seven months. Working as part of a large...

Case Study – The Symposium: Dialogues in Photography

Photography students tend to be individually focused in their approach to work but successful graduates, regardless of discipline, need to be effective collaborators with excellent communication skills, including...

Case Study – Developing a ‘Global Skills Award’ to enhance intercultural and global awareness

The Global Skills Award developed from ideas and discussions within the College’s Internationalisation Working Group.  The award is designed to recognise and celebrate the extra-curricular work students undertake...

Image showing the Earth's continents.