Dr Robert Dean – Principal Lecturer/ Programme Leader – School of Fine & Performing Arts – Staff Profile
Below is a short summary of a video case study we captured with Dr. Rob Dean.
When putting on practical/dramatic performance, the work that the students’ produce is quite detailed. Reflecting this inside of written feedback can be quite challenging. Dr Rob Dean decided that using video-based technologies to engage students with live feedback, might help support the development of effective feedback and can encapsulate all the details of a performance via discussion. This example of good practice is designed to support and enable their development as performers and can engage students in reflecting on their own practice.
Methods and tools used:
By creating a video of the performance, Dr Rob Dean used the Digital Crit Screen room ( a set of two touch screens inside of NDH) to add live commentary and drawings to a recording of their assessment piece. This allows him to draw arrows, pause video to reflect on the current scene and anchor drawings to a particular actor. This technique means that the drawing can track that actors location on the video.
To see more example of good practice, please visit https://lalt.lincoln.ac.uk/online-case-studies/
If you would like support with replicating this example of good practice. Please contact digitaleducation@lincoln.ac.uk