Date: 01/02/2018
Time: 7PM- 8PM
Academic: Caroline Lowish – Lecturer (Marketing and Tourism) – Staff Profile
Questions: How can we best support the broad spectrum of learning abilities to prepare them for their university career?
Every Thursday bewteen 7pm – 8pm – We have an educational twitter chat which focuses on a question posed by an academic. This weeks twitter chat was hosted by Caroline Lowish from the Lincoln International Business School (LIBS).
The conversation was aimed around supporting a wide range of learning abilities and what support is needed to help prepare students for their university course and future career. Some of the key points that were mentioned can be seen below:
- Should an embedded skills curriculum be the first module for students when they start university
- Discussions were had about what skills were needed for students to be successful
- Curating a personal learning journey, whether through digital or normal means, could be helpful in creating a bespoke curriculum
- Using sites, such as, to help support students as a precourse before coming to the university.
To see a full archived version of the #LALTCHAT please click here