Volume 4 (Issue 3) 2021 Future of Blended Learning Conference
Editors Foreword
Andy Beggan
Engaging and assessing students through the development of digital content
Dr Dan Bishop
Co-ordinated priorities: Developing digital practice and ensuring inclusive practice
Dr Elizabeth Bailey
From telehealth to telelearning: Physical assessment teaching in a virtual world
Sean Morton
Improved engagement in online peer-review activities supporting assessment
Ellie Davison
Does lecture format matter?
Dr Helen Nichols
Policy, insight and advice: Leveraging digital availability and competence?
Catriona Hyde
Youth justice live! Transporting professional partnerships into blended learning spaces
Dr Sue Bond-Taylor
Reflecting upon lessons of ‘what works’: Developing student engagement and partnerships
Dr Kate Strudwick
How should marketing be taught in the age of agile marketing?
Chang Ge, Katie Syson, Mark Faulkner and Saif Al-Derzi
Social media enabled digital journey through a University of Lincoln 4.0 challenge-based project
Chang Ge and Hanna Pimanava

Volume 4 (Issue 2) 2021 Race matters: Towards an Anti-racist praxis in higher education
Race matters: Towards an anti-racist praxis in higher education
Rebecca Sanderson
Prefiguring the anti-racist university: A systems change approach to the Race Equality Charter
Dr. Pathik Pathak
Embedding ‘Black Lives Matter’: A self-directed, research-informed, staff development programme
Pete Crowson
Critical reflections and collaborative approaches to the University of Lincoln’s decolonising projects: A library perspective
Oonagh Monaghan and Hope Williard
First-year transition, mental health and the attainment of undergraduate students at a UK university: A pilot study to understand the role played by ethnicity
Dr Xiaotong Zhu, Cate Neal, Isabella Chu and Ciera McKenzie

Volume 4 (Issue 1) 2021
Engaging students without family support with university support services: A systematic review of the literature
Rebecca Sanderson and Dr Rachel Spacey
‘No one size fits all’: Academic experiences of blended learning
Dr Kate Strudwick, Dave Prichard, Andy Beggan and Professor John G. Sharp
Preventative Emergency Response (PER) Project 2020-2021: University of Lincoln Students and Covid-19
James Cronin, Hannah Beech and Clare Cotton
Student as Author: Mapping the field of undergraduate research publications in the UK in Social Sciences
Dr Kate Strudwick
Blended learning: A review and source reference for the development of strategy, course design and practitioner use
Professor John G. Sharp
Virtual peer mentoring: A partnership between two UK Medical Schools
Dr. Deborah Merrick, Dr. Jessica Hodgson, Professor Pamela Hagan & Dr. Yvonne Mbaki
Embedding Gender Justice in Higher Education: An Example from Sports Business Management
Dr. Hanya Pielichaty
Widening access to higher education for BAME students and students from lower socio-economic groups: A review of literature
Rebecca Sanderson and Dr. Rachel Spacey