The BEng and MEng degree programmes in the School of Engineering are accredited by the IMechE (for mechanical and mechatronics programmes) and IET (for electrical programmes). Part of the accrediting body requirements include mapping of degree against engineering council statements of competence in a variety of knowledge and skills areas.
To identify learning gains, the School has taken these approved mappings and made comparison between module attainment in modules where the skill is mapped early in learners’ studies and modules where those same skills are mapped in the final level. This is then considered against average level attainment increase through the degree. The difference in modules with a skill mapped and level average increase is considered a learning gain.
This is displayed in the figure below. The first bar identifies the average attainment increase from levels 4 to 6, the remaining bars attainment increase in groups of modules where key skills are identified. The additional height above the first bar is the learning gain. The labels above each bar indicate the average learning gain for that skill.