Case Studies - Student Academic Experience

Case Study – Student Engagement with Theory Modules – Enhancing learning engagement beyond the classroom through Padlet

In the past few years, students’ level of engagement with theory modules has been waning. The reasons for this could be attributed to a number of factors including...

Photo showing a hanging Origami Crane paper ornament.

Case Study – Studiosity – Improving MA Academic Writing

Studiosity is a paid for, free at point of use service, offered to PGT students at the University of Lincoln. Its Writing Feedback service offers ethical academic writing...

Graphic from Studiosity website showing student and various graphics representing the layout of their online system.

Case Study – Gamification of the immune system

Within the School of Life and Environmental Sciences second year module BGY2002 Immunology, students had previously done well learning the individual identities and functions of the immune system...

lung cells

Case Study – Coaching @Lincoln

Coaching @ Lincoln was a reciprocal supportive partnership, developed for academic staff and students at the University of Lincoln in 2021. The scheme had the purpose to support...

An image of three young students talking and sat in front of a black computer. .

Case Study – Employer/Stakeholder Event (24/01/23)

This project/event was one part of a larger project aimed at facilitating engagement between local employers, academic and professional services staff. The ultimate aim of this project being...


Case Study – Developing a Partnership between the School of Sport and Exercise Science with Palacký University in the Czech Republic

The International Partners involved in this project are Palacký University in the Czech Republic. Our School has been developing links with this University over the last few years...

Photo of Prague at night

Case Study – Bespoke Lectures

In many other University programmes, the teaching material is set in stone before the student starts the individual modules. This results in students following the fixed path and...

Image of person giving a lecture at a university

Case Study: Elephants for Africa – funding conservation charities

Charities are a very important vehicle for nature conservation, and as such it is paramount that conservation biology students understand how charities function and are funded, what sort...

image of elephants

Case Study – “Make a Vaccine” practical for BVS3006

The project seeks to help students make the link between molecular biology and the production of  a “real world” vaccine to a pathogen that is causing havoc in...


Case Study – Inclusive marking

Summary of project activities, student-engagement and associated teaching and learning innovation arising from project delivery (this should be around 500-600 words) and include reference to any publications or...
