Case Studies - International Students

Case Study – Co-creating linguistically inclusive teaching strategies in Higher Education

The School of Education collaborated with the School of Film, Media and Journalism to examine linguistically inclusive teaching in higher education. The project was facilitated by the College...

Art showing the human brain and many colourful ideas that may come from within it. Image generated by Copilot Designer, 7th May 2024, 14:42pm

Case Study – Studiosity – Improving MA Academic Writing

Studiosity is a paid for, free at point of use service, offered to PGT students at the University of Lincoln. Its Writing Feedback service offers ethical academic writing...

Graphic from Studiosity website showing student and various graphics representing the layout of their online system.

Case Study – Developing Dedicated International PGT Tutors

In 2021, the School of Psychology experienced a sharp increase in the number of international students enrolling for taught Masters programmes. As the first semester progressed, it became...

Image showing a group of wooden coloured letters with some put together to spell the word 'help'.

Case Study – Developing a ‘Global Skills Award’ to enhance intercultural and global awareness

The Global Skills Award developed from ideas and discussions within the College’s Internationalisation Working Group.  The award is designed to recognise and celebrate the extra-curricular work students undertake...

Image showing the Earth's continents.

Case Study – Going Mainstream: Early Experiences of Embedding (introducing) EAP at Faculty Level

Paul Williamson, senior lecturer in the Lincoln School of Film & Media, delivered his paper ‘Going Mainstream: Early Experiences of Embedding (introducing) EAP at Faculty Level’ at the British...