
On this page you will find links to curated Talis reading lists each separated into key categories. Clicking on these will display the links and details of the included articles.

*Please note that the Talis reading list links require a login with University of Lincoln credentials.

Academic Skills

Talis reading list link

Articles included:

Fostering critical thinking skills in ELT through video-based reflection
in Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi

Perceptual comparison of source-code plagiarism within students from UK, China, and South Cyprus higher education institutions
in ACM Transactions on Computing Education

Exploring similarities and differences among the self-reported academic integrity of Australian occupational therapy domestic and international students
in Nurse Education Today

Cash cows or pedagogic partners? Mapping pedagogic practices for and with international students

Chinese postgraduate students’ perspectives on developing critical thinking on a UK education masters
in Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

The use of critical thinking in higher education in relation to the international student: Shifting policy and practice
in British Educational Research Journal

The role of the university library in supporting international students: A survey of practices across UK universities
in Journal of Library Administration

Strategies to address English language writing challenges faced by international graduate students in the US
in Journal of International Students

Assessment and Feedback Practices

*content coming soon

Belonging and Transition Support

Talis reading list link

Articles included:

The Role of the University Library in Supporting International Student Transition: Insights From an Australian-American Case Study
The Journal of Academic Librarianship

An analysis of friendship networks, social connectedness, homesickness, and satisfaction levels of international students
International Journal of Intercultural Relations

“It’s so much easier to go with what’s easy”: “Mindfulness” and the Discourse Between Home and International Students in the United Kingdom
in Journal of Studies in International Education

The British host: just how welcoming are we? Journal of Further and Higher Education
in Journal of Further and Higher Education

Journey into Higher Education: A study of postgraduate Indian students’ experiences, as they make the educational journey, to a new teaching and learning environment in the UK

A view of a Western university through the eyes of a non-Western student

Student voice in personal tutoring
in Frontiers in Education

Challenging Deficit Discourses

Talis reading list link

Articles included:

The myth of academic tolerance: the stigmatisation of East Asian students in Western higher education
Asian Ethnicity

Can East Asian Students Think?: Orientalism, Critical Thinking, and the Decolonial Project
Education Sciences

Different is not deficient: contradicting stereotypes of Chinese international students in US higher education

The Academy and Hospitality
in Cross Currents

Cross-cultural competencies

Talis reading list link

Articles included:

The effects of cross-cultural communication education on international students’ adjustment and adaptation, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
in Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development

Defining and Categorising Internationalisation

Talis reading list link

Articles included:

Internationalization Remodeled: Definition, Approaches, and Rationales 
Journal of Studies in International Education

Transcending Borders and Traversing Boundaries 
Journal of Studies in International Education

Internationalisation & Decolonisation

Talis reading list link

Articles included:

Neoliberalism and curriculum in higher education: a post-colonial analyses 
Teaching in Higher Education

Curriculum internationalization and the ‘decolonizing academic’ 
Higher Education Research & Development

Do tutors matter? Assessing the impact of tutors on firstyear academic performance at a South African university. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 4 (1)

Language Support

Talis reading list link

Articles included:

What is EAP?

‘I can’t … I won’t?’ International students at the threshold of social interaction


Talis reading list link

Articles included:

Adopting online taster courses in postgraduate recruitment: the case of a British business school
Studies in Higher Education

Generating genuine inclusion in higher education utilising an original, transferable, and customisable model for teaching and assessing reflective learning
Reflective Practice

Do tutors matter? Assessing the impact of tutors on firstyear academic performance at a South African university
in Journal of Student Affairs in Africa

A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education: enhancing academic practice

The Academy and Hospitality
in Cross Currents

What is EAP?